Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have discussed in moderate detail a few of several faces of attention control that included bias, option filter, foresight, hindsight among other things. Again whether you realize it or not, these attention control skills are actually products of Values such as Love. They are the things that successful people develop and use to make their lives wonderful. A lot of these successful people however do not have the skill to identify these details and link them to how they become what they are. Successful people are usually here to DO stuff rather than TEACH stuff. They parrot the catch phrases "positive thinking", "Love is Love", etc  but could not explain what it is they mean by all that in more and more detail. While they do what they do best, other less successful people see the benefits but are not fully aware of how those other people  do it. These attention controls can help everyone communicate. I could help partly by pointing to this fact. I do not have the necessary teaching skills myself but hopefully others who would pick up on what I say so they can either use it in their lives or teach it to others in better ways.

Aside from the other skills discussed, we must learn to master evaluation if we want to improve ourselves or our organization(s). It will help us decide if we did a good job or not or if the solutions we implemented are appropriate or not. Good periodic evaluation or assessment skills will help us accomplish what must be done.

Learn to how to evaluate projects. Learn how to quantify gains or losses. Learn how to gauge if the chosen solution was effective in answering any obstacle that was identified. Know what parameters to examine or monitor. You would have to identify the parameter to measure or quantify or count yourself. And you would have to find a way to count it periodically to monitor your progress. Without it, you might miss your goals or preferred outcome or dream. Without good evaluation skills, you can hardly keep yourself on track because you are again not paying careful attention. Perhaps you are not that serious in the pure longings of your heart. Do not let complacency again derail you. Get more serious in getting your wants, needs and purpose all aligned.

Infants must attain object permanence. He must learn to recognize his parents soon. He must learn to feel if he is facing danger. Pain assessment must be appropriate. Must be able to count or tell if something is big or small, high or low, light or dark, fast or slow. Play games that can teach all or some of these.

Adolescent must know what things, ideas, concepts can be beneficial for him or not. He must be able to evaluate which contemporary or adult has more influence which he can tap to his advantage. He must be able to identify which friends are good for him and which are not. Complementary traits as well as similar traits may work for him as he masters the intricacies of social life.

Play pattern recognition and error detection games. Indulge in periodic self evaluation and peer evaluation activities. Ask the kids what areas they would rather be  evaluated for.

Adults must know how they are doing and how they can improve himself or his organization under many situations. We must re-learn what and how to count (we must also count the intangible stuff for these are Real Assets as well)  and how often we should count (maybe at least three times before the project/stage ends) to gauge our progress. Many of us can not even use our talent in counting to know how much we are spending on basic necessities every month. We can not tell how much we are spending on things that can wait. Those things that are not necessary for a full life we have been describing in each and every posted blog message here. No one has really ever taught us how to count those so we can re-align our goals and re-direct our trajectory through the path of Life full of Love.

Adults must determine possible parameters to quantify that can be used as basis to measure performance. If we Love something so much, we will know what we need to know about this.

We must make regular rapid and accurate assessments of available resources within our disposal. If we Love to get something, we will not surrender. We will have to stand up every time we fall short of our expectations.

Evaluations may help signal if we need to re-adjust our goals and strategies. It can tell us if we need new resources or newer strategies, preview better and more realistic goals or boost our hindsight to discover what is more achievable. Learning to minimize errors are not a daily concern of complacent people. Detect and try to correct your errors using better ways. Teach yourselves to make more sound judgments.

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